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Join our private beta

What to expect if you join our private beta

ScotAccount is currently in private beta. This means we’re making it available to a selection of service teams so we can learn how ScotAccount works on a larger scale, helping us to define and agree our support model and service agreements.

Our private beta lets users create their ScotAccount and sign in. It also allows you to verify the identity of your users.

If you join the private beta, you’ll get:

  • early access to ScotAccount’s features
  • the opportunity to feed into our plans and shape the future of our service
  • support from our team throughout

We’ll need you to:

  • integrate with ScotAccount to allow your users to sign in to your service
  • give us regular feedback about your experiences of using and onboarding to ScotAccount - we’ll agree on how you give feedback to make sure it works for both of us

Who can join

To join the private beta, you need to:

  • work in a government team or public service in Scotland
  • have a service in alpha, beta or live
  • be able to integrate with ScotAccount - this means you need access to developers who are comfortable working with the OpenID Connect (OIDC) protocol and the processes set out in our technical documentation

If you meet the beta criteria and would like to take part, get in touch with us.

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